The Truth at the Heart of the Lie: A Conversation with James Carroll

We would like to thank everyone who attended our Zoom presentation with James Carroll on April 8. It was an engaging and inspiring discussion, and left us all with much to pray on, act on, and hope for.

We have received a lot of positive feedback on the event and are now pleased to share a recording for those who may wish to revisit it. Please note that the recording begins a few minutes into the presentation as James is discussing theologian Hans Küng. (The text of the brief introduction that was not recorded is available here.) Also note that the video moves from speaker to gallery view at around the 21-minute mark, though this does not impact the audio. An audio-only recording is available upon request.

Special thanks to everyone who helped put this together, especially Beverly Brazauskas for her quick thinking in hitting the record button and James Carroll for sharing his time and insight, and for honoring each of our questions or comments in a unique and individual way.

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