Women and Power in Catholic Ministry by John Wijngaards
In a church context, the supreme power of love is Christ’s power brought to us through the eucharist and the other sacraments. May we deny people that power because ancient prejudice judged women unfit to channel it?

The Nun Who Stopped Riots on the Streets of Belfast by Michael Ford
A profile of a tireless peacemaker. “I would like to be on the same wavelength with everybody, finding unity with every human being and, above all, unity with God.”

A New Covenant and a New Way of Forgiving by Ed Burns
The kind of forgiveness that Jesus brings into our lives is rooted in the belief and recognition that all creation is good, and it takes into account the fundamental worth of each person.

A Personal Mission: A Review by Amy Nicholson
A classic spiritual work by a renowned mystic and inspiration to Hans Urs von Balthasar.