Communing with the Community by Gene Ciarlo

Communion time tells a story. It is theology, deep theology, about "Take and eat. This is my body given for you."

Hidden Under the Whole of Life: Synodality and Liturgy by Michael Centore

When the church calls for liturgical renewal, what it seems to be seeking is a reexperience of the livingness, of the “life-itselfness” of the Eucharist.

Ever-Present Everywhere by Ray Temmerman

The action of breaking bread causes a sudden recognition of Christ's presence, a presence that was there all along.

The Altar of the Earth by Michael Ford

Revisiting the work of Teilhard de Chardin in a time of increasing concern for the future of our planet.

“The Hallowing of the Real”: Small Christian Communities and the Universal Priesthood

Small Christian communities are places to practice living eucharistically.

Doors to the Sacred: Part II—The Eucharist by John Alonzo Dick

The second in a multipart series giving an historical, theological, and pastoral overview of the sacraments.

Eucharist: An Opportunity for Familial Reception? by Ray Temmerman

The risks and exceptional rewards of receiving Christians from other traditions.

Editorial: “From the Exterior to the Interior”: On the USCCB and the Controversy of Eucharistic Consistency

In this time of controversy, a text from the Preacher to the Papal Household can help recall us to the mystic and salvific origins of the Eucharist.