From Child Star to Hospital Chaplain by Michael Ford

"One of life’s lessons is that intense pain takes each of us on a highly personal journey—we’re alone with it and have to muddle through in the hope that the sunshine will one day make its way back into our lives."

Small Groups and Social Justice by Claire N. Dale

Opportunities for learning, listening, sharing, and social justice outreach abound in a New Jersey parish.

Rosary Catholics and a New Church by Hank Mattimore

Relearning to pray the rosary, one bead at a time.

Breaking Hearts and Breaking Rules by Gene Ciarlo

Can a sociological phenomenon as large as the Roman Catholic Church maintain unity and discipline, a common belief and practice, a collective agreement on teachings and expression of belief, and still remain faithful to the mind and spirit of its founder and center of focus, Jesus the Christ?

Editorial: A Culture of Encounter: On the Pastoral Letters of Bishop Mark Joseph Seitz

In his two recent pastoral letters, the bishop offers a roadmap forward, founded on a culture of encounter, infused with the life of the sacraments, and expressive in the end of charity, justice, and hope.

We Live in a Safe Universe in Spite of Everything by Ed Burns

Jesus knew that we were—and are—capable of betrayal and abandonment and treachery and cruelty. But he opted to stay with us anyway, to the point where he was willing to endure the mystery of evil itself.

Changes and Transformations by Rose Marie Dunphy

Even if we feel we feel we have fallen short, while there is breath, there is always a chance to “redo” our life and live it to the fullest.

The World’s Parish Priest: A Review by Dale P. Faulkner

An eyewitness account of the conclave that elected Pope Francis in 2013.

Songs of Intense Listening: A Review by Michael Centore

A mystical, celebratory, and deeply attentive collection from a major American voice.

Religious Reeducation: A Review by Beverly Brazauskas

A leading religious educator provides guidance for spiritual renewal.