A Plea for Priority: The Crisis of Climate Change by Jane M. Bailey
The Association of US Catholic Priests, the Catholic Climate Initiative, and numerous other groups are leading the response to the climate crisis. Here is what you can do to help.

Arguing over Salvation: A Reading of David Bentley Hart by Colin Petramale
In his new book, David Bentley Hart moves beyond our collective jousting for the righteous position and attempts to answer the question all theologians should ask: What has gotten in the way of love?

Reflections on Two Hundred Years of Herman Melville: Part III: Into the Vortex by Leonard Engel
The third and final installment of an in-depth look at the spiritual, metaphysical, and moral questions of Melville's masterpiece.

The Compassion of Jesus Is Our Greatness by Gene Ciarlo
How different would our relationship to Jesus, to God, and to one another be if we lived not to be saved from the clutches of evil and eternal death but to give our lives in service to one another?

The Cost of Discipleship: A Review by Chris Byrd
Exquisitely rendered, the new film from writer and director Terrence Malick recalls recalls Austrian martyr Blessed Franz Jägerstätter’s exceptional gospel witness.

Christopher Dawson and a Catholic Philosophy of History by Roger Karny
Notes on a philosopher who felt that the biggest trial of our time was the way in which Western culture must learn to integrate its passion for freedom with the need for unity.

Writer’s Statement: On Beauty by Wally Swist
There are times when we seem to have an overview of our lives, when we view them as a tapestry that has been woven together of apparently disparate events but which we can now see as exhibiting a pattern.

Beauty, Fragility, and the Icon of Tenderness by Michael Ford
There is a relationship between a gentle God and his beloved creation, no matter our disadvantages, inadequacy, or fragility. Living a contemplative life helps us appreciate these connections.

A Lenten Assessment of the State of the Church by Ed Burns
Are we, as a community of Catholic believers, being faithful to our vocation to be the presence of the Risen Christ in the world?

Editorial: “Think Bigger”: On Bishop Robert W. McElroy and the Conscience of the Catholic Vote
Catholic voters are called to reconcile spiritual and civic life in the lead-up to the 2020 elections.