Prayer During a Time of Crisis by Gene Ciarlo
In our modern world, religion is the last port in a storm. We can put our good theology and moral teachings in modern dress so that the world might sit up and take notice.
The Harmonious Center By Ciro Festa
Lessons from Dante Alighieri on how we can seek moderation and balance in a time of fearful uncertainty.
“He Is Not Here, for He Is Risen”: Thoughts on the Current Pandemic in the Light of Easter by Jordan M. Miller
Images on a screen, the sound of a voice digitized in one place and re-constituted somewhere else, can never pretend to replace the human person, standing there, alive.
Camus’s The Plague and Our Coronavirus by Patrick Henry
What brings us back to Camus’s novel during our current pandemic is the simple, ordinary morality that he delineates throughout the text. There is no heroism here, just ordinary people behaving in a decent manner.
Rescue Mission by Amy Nicholson
Selections from the writings of a courageous missionary inspire contemporary audiences.
Aging Gracefully by J. Milburn Thompson
A collection of essays and poems reflecting on aging as part of a spiritual journey.
Heaven’s Door by Fran Salone-Pelletier
A biographical portrait of a modern-day saint, an enduring marriage, and a lived experience of mercy.
Letter to the Invisible Faithful by Fr. Jean-Miguel Garrigues, OP
May this unusual period become an opportunity for us to discover another aspect of the church, an aspect which is invisible but nevertheless very real: the communion of saints.
The Sacrament of Personal Responsibility by Ed Burns
Maybe the issue of living out our Christian lives is not the matter of having power and control over the events of our lives and our institutions. Maybe the issue is rather the matter of having fidelity to our convictions, and a willingness to assume personal responsibility for living out these convictions.
Suffering unto God by Michael Ford
During these anxious weeks, I have found myself becoming more attuned to beauty, the beauty of our created world and the beauty of our interpersonal relationships. Ironically, even though we have to keep further apart these days, everyone seems suddenly so much closer.