October 2019 Issue

Ben Salmon and Catholic Pacifism by Roger Karny

A Catholic pacifist and World War I conscientious objector has things to say to our time.

The Grandeur of God by Gene Ciarlo

The universe is a sacrament of God. The universe is the myth, the story, the clue, the sacrament of a spiritual reality that defies human recognition. The universe is a suggestion of God.

Sometimes History Bears Repeating by Fran Salone-Pelletier

They marched stubbornly onward—refusing to let their pain or fear paralyze them. They marched as believers, believers who embraced their mustard-seed-sized faith. Yet they knew in their hearts there is an additional reality. . . .

The Great Deceiver by Mary Anne Dejewski, LCSW

Addiction doesn’t discriminate between young or old, male or female, rich or poor. It crosses every line of society and affects most families in one way or another.

The Strength of the Human Spirit by Margaret McGullam

Where does the strength of human spirit come from? The answer is simple: God who created us gave us many gifts to help us through our journey of this life.