Difficult Conversations by John Marshall Lee

Acknowledging, assessing, and atoning for the sins of our nation's racist history.

A Poem by Gerard Garrigan, OSB

"She laid the foundation, laid it down / Sprightly, lively ragtime, old-time sound . . ."

When Will Us and Them Become We?: A Reflection on Luke 12:49-56 by Fran Salone-Pelletier

The fire of divinity must be kindled. We cannot survive as a people if we settle for the embers and ashes of passivity and superficiality.

To Believe, Teach, and Practice: Forty Years a Priest, and Counting! by Fr. John T. Maher, CM

Reflections from a Vincentian priest celebrating forty years of active ministry.

“Those People”: What Is Our Responsibility to Our Unhoused, Addicted, or Mentally Ill Neighbor? by Cameron Bellm

We can avert our eyes, yes, but we cannot disavow that we belong to one other, that we have responsibilities to one another.

Two Poems by Marjorie Power

"A pen in his pocket and nothing to write on. / He uses the skin on one arm. . . ."

The Case for Palliative Care by Anne Kerrigan

An appeal to a form of end-of-life care that provides emotional and spiritual support.

Remorse: A Story by Catherine Chandler

"When I had almost given up hope of executing my plan, I discovered a Saint Joseph's Daily Missal lying in the last pew on the far side of the church between the 8th and 9th Stations of the Cross. . . ."

We Will All Be Changed: Reflections on the Transfiguration by Jim Forest

A meditation for the Feast of the Transfiguration on August 6.

Featured Poets Week: Gerard Garrigan, OSB

A memory of an emotional recital concludes our Featured Poets Week.