The Catholic Agnostic by Frank Freeman
A fascinating new biography of the novelist "who happened to be a Catholic," featuring a Q&A with author Richard Greene.
Converted to the Gospel by Rosalie G. Riegle
A retired Methodist pastor chronicles his long friendship with Father Daniel Berrigan.
Peace in Troubled Times by Amy Nicholson
A book from 2013 finds new relevance in a post-pandemic age.
A Minefield of Difficult Choices by Douglas Lavine
A new novel follows the story of a priest navigating a morally complex world.
Learning from the Russians by Frank Freeman
An American fiction writer takes a deep dive into the masterworks of Russian literature.
The Necessity of Love by Rosalie G. Riegle
A review of a new book on the friendship between Dorothy Day and Thomas Merton, featuring an interview with the author.
An Elsewhere to Start Anew by Frank Freeman
A new biography both documents James Baldwin’s journey and demonstrates that it is one which we all, in our own ways, need to take.
Visions of Mandela by Amy Nicholson
An informative and accessible graphic novel tells the story of the anti-apartheid struggle.
Among the Outcasts by Frank Freeman
Bukowski can nauseate you and lift your spirits in the same poem. He writes about those people—prostitutes, hard drinkers, “sinners”—with whom Jesus hung out the most.
The Uses of Fantasy by Amy Nicholson
An essay on an often overlooked literary genre, with a related book review.