Discerning How to Vote as a Catholic by Fr. Louis Arceneaux, C.M.

Catholic voters need to reflect and decide how they will form their personal consciences based on what they learn from our bishops as well as other sources of Catholic social teaching.

Time to Learn from a Blues People by Alex Mikulich

Lament is not only a critical feature of the blues, it is also central to Catholic faith—we sing during Eucharist that we too, with God, “hear the cry of the poor.”

Passionate about the Wilderness: Edward Abbey and the American Tradition by Leonard Engel

In a time when we are losing the contemplative dimension of the wilderness experience, this 20th-century desert father speaks to us anew.

“Father, If You Are Willing, Take This Cup from Me”: On the Coronavirus Pandemic by Fr. Bedros Shetilian

The great task before us is to face this crisis with dignity and to keep our integrity. It is not easy, but it is possible.

The Sacrament of Ambiguity by Ed Burns

Jesus knew what was in the heart of man, but he also recognized the fundamental goodness that was in us and continually challenged us to live up to that goodness.

Editorial: Confronting the Unconsumed Past: On New Approaches to Criminal Justice

The moment has arrived to reimagine not just the nature of policing, but the whole complex of policies, procedures, and laws that prop up our broken criminal justice system.

Wresting for Light: A Note on Police Violence by Jermaine Woodard Jr.

A personal appeal for empathy, solidarity, and change.

The Collapse of Time by Anne Kerrigan

The way that time seemed to morph, collapse, fall in on itself makes it hard to recall specifics. All I know is that it was a horrific experience, a personal nightmare which has been shared by so many others around the world.

A Microcosm of Covid-19’s Impact on America’s Poorest by Jamie Manson

This pandemic has laid bare the shocking inferiorities of so many systems in our country: the fragility of our social safety net, our gutted public health system, our stark economic inequalities that are often the result of systemic racism and xenophobia.

The Harmonious Center By Ciro Festa

Lessons from Dante Alighieri on how we can seek moderation and balance in a time of fearful uncertainty.