Category: Reflections

Viewpoint and Vision by Fran Salone-Pelletier

All three readings for the Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time remind us that seeing is not necessarily sight, viewing is not always vision.
February 6, 2025/by tac

Blessed Are the Saintly Six by O’Neill D’Cruz

A Beatitudes rosary retreat for Black History Month.
February 5, 2025/by tac

Opening the Scroll by Fran Salone-Pelletier

Each of us is called to break open the word of God and unroll the scroll of our life.
January 23, 2025/by tac

The Trauma of Unbroken Silence by Paul Nyklicek

Each of Dr. Martin Luther King’s “giant triplets” of racism, materialism, and militarism induces trauma within individuals and society as a whole.
January 21, 2025/by tac

Plowing the Justice Path by Fran Salone-Pelletier

We are baptized into the God who is freedom and justice.
January 10, 2025/by tac

A Voyage into Liminal Space by Fran Salone-Pelletier

Looking ahead to the New Year and the Feast of the Epiphany.
December 26, 2024/by tac

Newness Incarnate by Fran Salone-Pelletier

Continuing our series of Advent reflections with the readings for Fourth Sunday.
December 20, 2024/by tac

Sanctification from Within by William Droel

To hear the word of God, people must attentively listen to those huddled around a stable in Bethlehem, those scrambling among ruins within Syria, those in line at the Wednesday morning food pantry.
December 18, 2024/by tac

Serious Joy by Fran Salone-Pelletier

Continuing our series of Advent reflections with a look at the readings for Gaudete Sunday.
December 12, 2024/by tac

Heralding the Desert by Fran Salone-Pelletier

Continuing a series of Advent reflections with a look at the readings for the Second Sunday of the season.
December 5, 2024/by tac

Remembering Dr. Michael Ford

A note on the passing of a friend and frequent contributor to Today's American Catholic.
December 4, 2024/by tac

Advent Is Awareness Time by Fran Salone-Pelletier

A reflection on the readings for the First Sunday of Advent.
November 29, 2024/by tac

Two Poems by Johanna Caton, O.S.B.

"come, slice through lying words, unfurl, / make dizzy, whirl for our perplexed, imperilled, proud, / proud world . . ."
November 21, 2024/by tac

The Social Heart by Jeromiah Taylor

The heart is the antidote to hollow politics: the heart insists that persons are the value, the metric, the rule.
November 21, 2024/by tac

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