Category: Reflections

Memories by William John Fitzgerald

A plea for peace.
November 17, 2023/by tac

Finding Our Balance by Julie A. Ferraro

Ways of balancing time, energy, and inspiration in the creative and spiritual life.
November 14, 2023/by tac

Mother Cabrini on Managing Separation Anxiety (and Transmitting Thoughts to Another Person) by Joe Pagetta

Celebrating today's Feast of Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini with a reflection on her method of prayerful communication.
November 13, 2023/by tac

The Synod on Synodality: Evolution or Revolution? by Gene Ciarlo

Choices will have to be made, or the church will continue to gradually slide into oblivion or occasional meetings of quiet desperation.
October 23, 2023/by tac

Changing the Faltering Paradigm by Sarita Melkon Maldjian

It is time to give women equal voices and opportunities by ordaining us as subdeacons, deacons, and priestesses.
October 10, 2023/by tac

Giving Human Dignity Back to a World That Has Largely Lost It by Fran Salone-Pelletier

If the known world of yore was transformed from emptiness to fullness, from no rights to universal rights, can it not happen again?
September 29, 2023/by tac

Love and Labor by Fran Salone-Pelletier

Perhaps we could celebrate Labor Day by honoring those whose labor is too frequently ignored or misunderstood.
September 4, 2023/by tac

The Newness of God’s Words by Anne Kerrigan

A course called "Praying with the Bible" helps a participant find strength, healing, and new beginnings.
August 21, 2023/by tac

Addressing the Crisis of Psychological Abuse by Julie A. Ferraro

How many voices must cry out in pain from being mentally tortured, confused, insulted, and mistreated before the church presses for action?
August 14, 2023/by tac

From God’s Mouth to My Ears by Fran Salone-Pelletier

Reflecting on a reading from the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time, with a special concluding prayer.
August 4, 2023/by tac

Two Poems by John Zedolik

"The old violet his sealed itself / to the wooden planks of the deck / as I used to seal the Host, the Body / of Christ..."
July 7, 2023/by tac

Conscious Communication by Julie A. Ferraro

As for those who criticize others for being “woke”: it’s not a bad thing to speak truth to power and offer a willing hand to help others improve their lot.
July 5, 2023/by tac

A Meditation on Psalm 5
by St. Charles de Foucauld

An excerpt from a new translation of meditations by "the hermit of Tamanrasset."
June 20, 2023/by tac

Alienating Intelligence by Julie A. Ferraro

Artificial intelligence has the very real potential to alienate us from each other, to make humanity slaves to technology, and not the other way around.
June 6, 2023/by tac

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