The Case for Commitment: A Conversation with Pete Davis and Elias Crim

Our sincere thanks to Pete Davis and Elias Crim for the wonderful conversation on September 1! We took a look at Pete's new book, Dedicated: The Case for Commitment in an Age of Infinite Browsing, and some of the ways that its themes of rootedness, "long-haul" commitments to particular causes, and robust civic participation correspond […]

“Fratelli Tutti” and the Culture of Encounter: A Conversation with Marcus Mescher

Our sincere thanks to Dr. Marcus Mescher for an informative, engaging discussion of Fratelli Tutti and its messages of compassion, mercy, and solidarity on October 6. Marcus helped us unpack various aspects of the document, from its historical and social context, to its use of the parable of the Good Samaritan as an interpretative key, […]

A Synodal Church in a Plural World: A Conversation with Mark Guevarra

Our sincere thanks to Mark Guevarra for joining us on January 12, 2022, to discuss the origins, processes, and possibilities of the 2023 synod on synodality. Mark's presentation explored the history of synodality, Pope Francis's vision for a synodal church, and some of the internal work we can all do in preparation for participation in […]

Hope in the Wilderness: A Conversation with Dr. Jessica Coblentz

Our sincere thanks to Dr. Jessica Coblentz for an insightful and engaging presentation on her new book, Dust in the Blood: A Theology of Life with Depression on March 30, 2022. Dr. Coblentz spoke of how we should conceive of and understand depression, ways of accompanying depression sufferers individually and as a church community, and […]