A Poem by Kathryn Sadakierski


Catholic means universal
That is God,
A beautiful mystery of faith
Like the incense around the altar,
Or the moon that moves the tides,
Moving beyond sight,
And yet always with us,
In us,
Around us,
The heartbeat that gives us life,
As tangible as a hand held,
Intricate as the patterns etched in a leaf,
Calm and comforting as the sea.
Each life reflects the image of God,
This universal love,
All of us sown with these threads of love,
In the human fabric.

Catholic means universal,
Our mother’s arms open to all,
With love.
We are unified,
The Body of Christ,
Together, forever,
All illuminated by the sun
Shining in haloes through the stained glass,
Uplifted by the songs of peace.
The cathedral steeple reaching towards the sky
Directs our shared vision
Towards the same point,
The same hope,
To return home,
To our mother’s arms, open to all.

Kathryn Sadakierski’s writing has appeared in Agape Review, DoveTales, Edge of Faith, Ekstasis Magazine, enLIVEN Devotionals, Refresh Bible Study Magazine, and elsewhere. She holds a B.A. and M.S. from Bay Path University. Kathryn is passionate about sharing her love for God through her work, with the goal of making a positive impact.

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