Category: Essays & Profiles

The Thread of Patriarchy: Part I—The Issue by Maree Sobolewski

The first in a multipart series taking up the "historical and hurtful" marginalization of women in the church.
November 21, 2024/by tac

A Community of Friendship by Mária Dominika Vanková

A collaboration between international students proves that a lasting community of friendship is possible, even in our wounded and torn world.
November 7, 2024/by tac

Relentless Compassion by Paul Nyklicek

Conscience insists that we reject the toxic fictions of “us and them” and “might makes right” that create disposable people and objectify and profane our world.
November 6, 2024/by tac

Mirrors of Christ by Patrick Carolan

In making our own personal decision on which candidate to vote for, we might reflect on what St. Clare challenged us to do.
October 31, 2024/by tac

Patience and Prudence in a Changing Church by Gene Ciarlo

Studying the "Sitz im Leben," the "setting in life," for the Synod on Synodality.
October 24, 2024/by tac

Abolition Now by Chris Byrd

The execution of Marcellus Williams in September was one of five state killings in the span of a week. It is time to end this barbaric practice.
October 22, 2024/by tac

Words Matter by Patrick Carolan

When we use hateful and demeaning words to describe people who are different from us, we are certainly not being Christlike.
October 21, 2024/by tac

What Is the Lesser of Two Evils? by Donna Sines

A new generation of immigrants is testing the American resolve. As Christians, are we the Good Samaritans, or are we something else?
October 1, 2024/by tac

The Human Face of Immigration by Patrick Carolan

While we describe ourselves as a nation of immigrants, our laws are more centered around whom we exclude, not how we welcome.
September 6, 2024/by tac

President Biden should commute the death sentences of all federal prisoners by Chris Byrd

Making these commutations will send the nation a powerful message of mercy.
September 3, 2024/by tac

To Preach or to Impassion? by Gene Ciarlo

Today it is vital that the homily be packed with practical and realistic truths, a substantial summons to walk the path less traveled.
August 27, 2024/by tac

More Than a Theory by Mária Dominika Vanková

A journey to Cambodia with the Salesians of Don Bosco shows the author the simplicity of love.
August 26, 2024/by tac

Organizers present “Every Catholic Voice” event on upcoming US election by Michael Centore

The September 7 event is billed as "a safe, sacred space for encounter, civil dialogue, and mutual listening."
August 23, 2024/by tac

Judiciary Committee Should Not Intimidate Faith-Based Organizations by Patrick Carolan

The committee is targeting faith-based organizations that are seeking to divest from fossil fuels.
August 1, 2024/by tac

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