Hidden Under the Whole of Life: Synodality and Liturgy by Michael Centore
When the church calls for liturgical renewal, what it seems to be seeking is a reexperience of the livingness, of the “life-itselfness” of the Eucharist.
Experience Counts by William Droel
An accumulation of experience combined with sustained reflection improves our understanding of God’s truth.
Departure, Encounter, and Return: A Lenten Meditation by Fran Salone-Pelletier
Lent is a gift of time set aside to ponder who we really are.
When I Listen: My Experience as a Spiritual Director by Sister Lou Ella Hickman, OVISS
The real spiritual director is the Holy Spirit, and my personal agenda, no matter how holy, would only get in the way.
A Poem by Božena Tesárová
"Cover me / with a coat of hope, / as the grain grows heavier / in the time of ripening."
A Divine Schedule by Fran Salone-Pelletier
Learning to heed God's call, even in moments of inconvenience or interruption.
Which Voice Will You Listen To? by Bob Saraceni
A reflection on the gospel reading for 4th Sunday of Year B in the lectionary cycle.
The Analogical Imagination by William Droel
Each person’s story reveals a piece of God’s grace to those who have ears to hear or have eyes to read.
A Poem by Frank Freeman
"Just keep praying / (writing) and the whale will spew / you out at Nineveh..." A poem drawing on this Sunday's reading from the book of Jonah.
Shepherds, Kings, Myths, and Metaphors by Gene Ciarlo
Praiseworthy as it may seem, confessing Jesus as Lord by trusting in the literal, inerrant, infallible, and inspired words of Scripture is not enough.