Category: Reflections

“We’ve Got to Find a Way to Bring Some Loving Here Today”: Marvin Gaye’s “What’s Going On” at 50 by Chris Byrd

Released in 1971, "What’s Going On" remains a cry for greater solidarity and more love among the human family.
May 24, 2021/by tac

On Learning to Pray, and Reflecting on Prayer, with Father James Martin by Joe Pagetta

A new book by the Jesuit priest occasions reflection on the life of prayer.
May 18, 2021/by tac

Two Poems by John Zedolik

". . . but only for a nano-bit / of geologic time, for the dark / in flight must be spirit only indestructible / to any earthly weight . . ."
May 7, 2021/by tac

A Poem by Fran Salone-Pelletier

"sorrowing all sweetness / until the call to quit / is louder than / the claim to commit . . ."
April 30, 2021/by tac

On Presence and Love: The Opening of the Heart by Wally Swist

Any mindfulness practice is work, and practicing presence is mindfulness practice.
April 29, 2021/by tac

Lessons from My Two Years as a Gay Catholic by Michael E. DeSanctis

A journey of accompaniment with the LGBTQ community.
April 27, 2021/by tac

Beauty for Ashes: A Story by Catherine Chandler

". . . whereas half an hour before, she had longed for the total erasure and oblivion of never having existed, she now merely wishes God would call her home, once and for all, and soon. . . ."
April 23, 2021/by tac

The World as It Is by Ed Burns

Recognizing the presence of God in moments of grief, chaos, and confusion.
April 21, 2021/by tac

Death to Life, Despair to Hope by Gene Ciarlo

"It is a story of resurrection and more. It is about remembrance and bringing to life again." An Easter reflection.
April 7, 2021/by tac

How to Live with What We Cannot Entirely Dispel by Fran Salone-Pelletier

The origins of a poem. A lament for Laetare Sunday.
March 19, 2021/by tac

Heeding the Call by Anne Kerrigan

Keeping in contact in the age of Covid.
March 11, 2021/by tac

A Poem by Jeannine Pitas

"My great-uncle was of no one place. Despite what my passport says, neither am I."
March 11, 2021/by tac

As Good a Catholic as You’re Gonna Get by Nicole d’Entremont

Pondering the sacramental life of the church, past, present, and future.
March 10, 2021/by tac

Two Poems by Rita A. Simmonds

"The question and the answer / became one thing..."
March 5, 2021/by tac

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