Category: Reflections

A Parable for Palm Sunday
by Fran Salone-Pelletier

He had won them by bathing them in a love they could not resist—not by blasting them with power they would resent.
March 31, 2023/by tac

Clerical Abusers Are Not above the Law
by Julie A. Ferraro

Secrets must no longer be swept under the rug in the guise of divine forgiveness.
March 29, 2023/by tac

A Trinitarian Encounter
by Fran Salone-Pelletier

That day, in that exchange of life, I heard God reminding me that loss brings gain.
March 28, 2023/by tac

Two Poems By Salvador Espriu
Translated by Andrew Kaufman
and Antonio Cortijo Ocaña

"From an old shade of silver / I would like / my verses to be formed . . ."
March 17, 2023/by tac

Pontifical Politics by Roger Karny

Continuing the conversation on David Kertzer's "The Pope at War."
March 13, 2023/by tac

Much-Needed Healing . . . and Accountability by Julie A. Ferraro

We need practical action to help heal indigenous communities with enduring wounds. Active listening is a start.
February 28, 2023/by tac

The Water of Forgiveness through the Still-Frozen Ground by Michael Ford

A Lenten meditation on the healing power of forgiveness.
February 27, 2023/by tac

Two Poems of Centering and Memory

"In the stillness of my being / I bow with deepened breath..."
February 17, 2023/by tac

America’s Original Sin: Opportunity for Metanoia by O’Neill D’Cruz

Praying the rosary as anti-racist practice.
February 13, 2023/by tac

Transforming Responsive Caregiving
into Seeds of God
by Wally Swist

Responsive caregiving opens the heart, and when the heart opens, compassion is emitted in astounding ways.
February 2, 2023/by tac

Restorative Justice by Julie A. Ferraro

If God does not abandon us when we make mistakes, we should not abandon others because of theirs.
January 26, 2023/by tac

A “Holy Family” Response to the Abuse Crisis by O’Neill D’Cruz

A two-part reflection on the clergy sexual abuse crisis highlighting the perspectives of Catholic parents.
January 24, 2023/by tac

God in the Dock by Nicole d’Entremont

Was Christ with the judge and the lawyers, or was he seated quietly beside us there in the soporific drone-drowsiness of the courtroom?
January 18, 2023/by tac

The Season of Paradox:
On the Readings for Second Sunday, Cycle A
by Fran Salone-Pelletier

Now is the season of paradox. Now, when darkness looms, there is light.
January 16, 2023/by tac

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