Category: Reflections

Healing in a Time of Trouble by Susan K. Roll

The 17th-century Jesuit priest Friedrich Spee von Langenfeld remains a hero of the women's ordination movement.
December 6, 2021/by tac

The Worst of Times Can Be the Best of Times by Fran Salone-Pelletier

"Now I was being asked to practice the faith of receiving, trusting that dependency and vulnerability were open pathways to God."
December 1, 2021/by tac

The Meaning of Sacrifice by Ray Temmerman

Rethinking the concept of sacrifice through its true meaning: to make something or someone holy.
November 30, 2021/by tac

The Working Catholic: Advent by William Droel

The Incarnation means that God is intimately in our midst, even in places where we don't often think to look.
November 29, 2021/by tac

Two Poems by Salvador Espriu / Translated from the Catalan by Andrew Kaufman and Antonio Cortijo Ocana

Selections from a visionary Catalan poet whose work has rarely appeared in English.
November 19, 2021/by tac

Labels by Anne Kerrigan

Fighting prejudice and polarization in our society means leading by an example of love.
November 17, 2021/by tac

Unconditional Affection by Mary Margaret Schroeder

Spiritual lessons from life as a nanny.
November 15, 2021/by tac

Synodality’s Emotional Quotient Defies a Soundproof Heart by Fran Salone-Pelletier

Evolving views of synodality, from Vatican II through the present-day church.
November 1, 2021/by tac

Radical Compassion by Amy Nicholson

Revisiting the story of two humanitarian aid workers in the wake of the devastating tragedy of Afghanistan.
October 28, 2021/by tac

Like a Strong Wind: Memories of Henri Nouwen by Michael Harank

A reminiscence of a friendship with the spiritual writer, teacher, priest, and wounded healer.
October 22, 2021/by tac

Difficult Conversations by John Marshall Lee

Acknowledging, assessing, and atoning for the sins of our nation's racist history.
October 18, 2021/by tac

A Poem by Gerard Garrigan, OSB

"She laid the foundation, laid it down / Sprightly, lively ragtime, old-time sound . . ."
October 10, 2021/by tac

When Will Us and Them Become We?: A Reflection on Luke 12:49-56 by Fran Salone-Pelletier

The fire of divinity must be kindled. We cannot survive as a people if we settle for the embers and ashes of passivity and superficiality.
September 30, 2021/by tac

To Believe, Teach, and Practice: Forty Years a Priest, and Counting! by Fr. John T. Maher, CM

Reflections from a Vincentian priest celebrating forty years of active ministry.
September 27, 2021/by tac

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