Category: Essays & Profiles

A Christmas Story in Another Pandemic by Michael Harank

A family gathered in a small room of a public hospital for the poor recalls the love, mercy, and compassion of the first Christmas morning.
December 20, 2021/by tac

Beginning with Reality: The Pope’s Visit to Greece and Cyprus

Drawing attention to the root causes of migration, especially well-financed wars and the arms trade.
December 16, 2021/by tac

Evaluating the Synod, Part II: Catholic Catechesis and Spiritual Growth by Gene Ciarlo

Our current models of religious instruction are not preparing young people to contribute to a synodal church.
December 15, 2021/by tac

Catholic associations promoting a “do-it-yourself” synodal program

A joint effort between the Association of U.S. Catholic Priests and the Catholic Committee of the South aims to include those on the margins of the synodal process.
December 3, 2021/by tac

Evaluating the Synod, Part I: The Church Gathers Its People by Gene Ciarlo

In spite of commendable preparatory work for the synod, follow-up is sorely lacking in excitement, inspiration, enlightenment, and awakening prompted by the Spirit of God.
November 26, 2021/by tac

Mixed Messages: Recapping the USCCB Conference

By threatening to politicize the Eucharist, the bishops cast a pall over their recent assembly and amplified the divisions already rending the nation.
November 24, 2021/by tac

See, Judge, Act by John Alonzo Dick

Cardinal Joseph Cardijn's exhortation to "See, Judge, and Act" is a valuable tool for navigating our contemporary world.
November 15, 2021/by tac

Finding the Essential Form by Michael Ford

A portrait of the English sculptor Richard Hooper, who is known for combining theological concepts with precise geometric forms.
November 10, 2021/by tac

You Are a Holy Nation, a Royal Priesthood by Gene Ciarlo

Is it possible to find a thread of Christian humanism in the work of atheist and individualist Ayn Rand?
November 9, 2021/by tac

“Marvellously Human”: On the Spiritual Consequences of COP26 by Michael Centore

To be, in the words of Pope Francis, “marvellously human”—this is what the urgency of the moment demands.
November 4, 2021/by tac

Editorial: A Ministry of Listening: On the Opening of Synod 2023

Synod 2023 is a golden opportunity for laypeople and others to contribute to the life of the church.
October 26, 2021/by tac

Positively Chrystie Street: The Catholic Worker in the Mid-Sixties by Jim Wilson

Memories of the Catholic Worker during a time of great political, social, and cultural change.
September 30, 2021/by tac

Odd Orientem: Concerning the Order and Orientation of the Liturgical Assembly by Michael E. DeSanctis

A vision for a liturgical architecture that amplifies the human dimension of the Eucharist.
September 27, 2021/by tac

Eucharist: An Opportunity for Familial Reception? by Ray Temmerman

The risks and exceptional rewards of receiving Christians from other traditions.
September 20, 2021/by tac

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